Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 7, Page in the Story

We're back from our break...Kelsey P bout ta drop somethin hot...

Name: Kelsey Page
Occupation: Director of Activities, Twissionary, Pagemaster
Least Favorite Creature to have on her face: Fly
# of Adventures Experienced: 1
Music Taste: catchy or chill, indie or h-core, mainstream or obscure. All the good stuff. I generally stick to a little-to-no-country-or-Owl-City belief.
Fav Bands: Arcade Fire, The Morning Benders, Jenny & Johnny, FPF, Local Natives, Mumford & Sons, OK Go, and anything else fun or unique.

Find her: FB, Twitta, Blawg, Flickaa

Faded Paper Figures- Metropolis

Basically, I went through an FPF craze not too long ago, and I still just adore them. Not only are they a catchy electronic-classic hybrid (my cousin once classified them as Indietronic), but they have intriguing lyrics and meaning behind the songs. Just all around good. I just love all of their songs, so it was hard to pick, but this one won my affection the most.

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